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Is your business looking for an easy and cost-effective way to recycle K-Cup® pods?

At Van Houtte Coffee Services, we understand your business’ commitment to sustainability and the small steps businesses can take in furtherance of that commitment. That’s why we offer K-Cycle® – a simple and hassle-free way for your business to effectively divert used K-Cup® pods consumed at your place of business.


Through our diversion partner, K-Cycle® not only diverts your business’ consumed K-Cup® pods from ending up in landfills, but also ensures the materials used in K-Cup® pods get a second life through recycling, composting, and waste to energy – something we can all feel good about! And while K-Cup® pods are designed to be recycled in 3 easy steps through local recycling programs, K-Cycle® was created specifically with the commercial client in mind who seeks a nationwide recycling solution that is simple and convenient to implement in their workplace settings.



Did you know that since 2019, businesses in Canada have diverted over 1.4 million lb of materialiii from landfills using the K-Cycle® program? By partaking in this program, your business can also show its commitment to landfill waste reduction.

Source: iii 2023 Year End K-Cycle® Report_Feb 2024
Yes, it's possible to enjoy the convenience of single-serve coffee while being mindful of the environment.

That’s right, Keurig® K-Cup® pods are made of #5 plastic and are recyclable in select locations in Canada! However, they may not be recyclable in your area.* That’s why we designed a recycling program to support your commercial needs.

* Some municipalities require additional steps. May not be recyclable in your area. Check with your local recycling facility for updated information.
The value of recycling

#5 plastic is a high-value, versatile material that can be recycled and find a second life. Recycling Keurig® K-Cup® pods through the K-Cycle® program extends their lifespan and helps reduce waste and the use of new materials.


It’s a sustainable option that’s in line with the circular economy. It ensures that as many pods as possible are effectively recycled to their fullest value and reintroduced on the market.

Further your business’ commitment to sustainability, partake in K-Cycle®

Although Keurig® Genuine K-Cup® pods are made from #5 polypropylene plastic and have been designed to be recycled, they are currently accepted in select locations and may not be recyclable in your areai. That’s where K-Cycle® comes in! The K-Cycle® commercial recycling program ensures all businesses in Canada have access to a nationwide solution for recycling K-Cup® pods consumed in business settings.



How can your business make sure it is using only Keurig® Genuine K-Cup® pods?

Keurig® Genuine K-Cup® pods can easily be identified thanks to the on-pack Keurig® logo.


Through the K-Cycle® K-Cup® pod commercial recycling program, it is important that only Keurig® Genuine K-Cup® pods are collected in K-Cycle® boxes. Doing so helps reduce the risk of contamination and supports the effective recycling of your used K-Cup® polypropylene pods.

What happens to your used K-Cup® pods through this process?

Upon receiving your filled K-Cycle® box, our partner, Emterra Group, separates K-Cup® pods into their individual components. #5 polypropylene plastic cups are transformed into recycled plastic, the paper filter and aluminum lids are sent to a waste-to-energy facility for energy recovery, and the used coffee grounds/tea become compost or are used in horticultural applications.


IN 2023:

284 396 lb of PP recycled through the program

749 571 lb of coffee grounds composted

68 343 lb of materials repurposed through energy recovery


Source: 2023 Year End K-Cycle® Report_Feb 2024

K-Cycle® - perfect for the hotel industry

Are you a hotel owner/operator looking for a way to recycle K-Cup® pods consumed through your in-room VHCS coffee program? K-Cycle® can be a valuable solution to optimize your guests’ in-room coffee experience and demonstrate your hotel’s sustainability commitment. Simply providing your hotel guests with a compact, labelled collection bin in their room (next to the coffee maker) for them to dispose of their used K-Cup® pods allows your housekeeping staff to quickly collect them during their regular room cleanings. On our end, we then handle the pickup and ensure the pods get properly recycled.

  • Simplicity of use by your employees and customers
  • Simplicity of implementation in any business environment
  • A cost-attractive recycling solution
  • Helps align your company’s coffee program with your business’ commitment to reducing landfill waste



Some restrictions apply. Reach out to your Van Houtte Coffee Services representative to see if your organization qualifies for this free program.


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your K-Cup® cup.


your K-Cup® cup.

Answering your questions on Keurig® K-Cup® pods recyclability

#5 plastic is a valuable and in-demand material recyclers actually want to recycle. By collecting Keurig® K-Cup® pods only, you help reduce the risk of contamination and ensure that our pods will be effectively recycled to their fullest value.

Keurig® K-Cup® pods made from #5 plastic are easily identifiable thanks to the on-pack recycling instructions and to the #5 resin identification code that appears on the bottom of the pod itself.

Components are separated, coffee grounds are composted and the pods are transformed to recycled plastic to find a second life in the objects of tomorrow.


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